Have you ever worked with the energy centers of the body known as Chakras? If not, you're in for a transformative journey. Over the next eight weeks, we will explore the nine main Chakras through our yoga practice, discovering how these energy centres can enhance our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being.

What Are Chakras?
In yoga, we work with the central energy channel of the body known as the sushumna, which runs along the spinal cord. This energy channel is flanked by two other channels, Ida on the left and Pingala on the right, creating a dynamic rising of energy as they spiral from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and beyond. This movement of rising energy is often referred to as Kundalini rising.
The body contains thousands of energy pathways called Nadis, which branch out from the sushumna much like nerves branch out from the spinal cord. Chakra, translates to “wheel” in Sanskrit & they are based at the physical nerve plexuses where these energy pathways converge. For a balanced body & mind, we aim to keep these wheels turning smoothly and at a healthy pace avoiding both excessive speed & spinning out of control or turning so slowly they become sluggish & stagnant.
Why Work with Chakras in Yoga?
Working with the Chakras in your yoga practice can profoundly affect your overall well-being and it’s a subject so rich it’s a never ending journey of learning which is exciting for beginners and seasoned Yogi’s alike.
Here’s how we can work with the energy centres:
Balance and Harmony: Practicing mudras (hand gestures) helps guide subtle energies around the body, ensuring smooth energy flow. Breathwork (pranayama) focuses the mind, while physical movement (asanas) releases stagnant energy and tension, gifting us a sense of freedom in both body and mind.
Grounding and Centering: Each Chakra resonates with different aspects of our being. I always like to begin the journey with Muladhara - Root Chakra, which is associated with grounding, stability and feeling centred. Represented by a deep red colour, working with the Muladhara Chakra helps us feel secure, drawing us out of our busy minds and firmly anchoring us in our physical bodies and in turn tethering us to the earth and the present moment. This grounding energy allows us to root down & rise strong, ready to face our day & life with calm confidence that cannot be shaken.
Holistic Wellbeing: Regular practice of guided relaxation and meditation further enhances the benefits of Chakra work, promoting a deep sense of inner peace and well-being, letting go of what has happened during the day so we can truly be in the present moment and what is actually true.
I absolutely love teaching the Chakra Yoga series and to complement your practice, the fabulously talented Trust The Goddess, has curated a dedicated selection of crystals to work with and there’s a playlist, a chant & affirmations to work with too.
Class schedule is
Week 1 Root Chakra – Hatha Yoga practice
Week 2 Sacral Chakra – Hatha Yoga practice
Week 3 Solar Plexus Chakra – Hatha Yoga practice
Week 4 Heart Chakra – Yin Yoga practice
Week 5 Throat Chakra - Hatha Yoga practice
Week 6 Third Eye Chakra – Hatha Yoga Practice
Week 7 Crown Chakra – Hatha & Yin Yoga Practice
Week 8 Alpha & Omega Chakras – Yin & Restorative Yoga practice
All classes are recorded and available to purchase and come with dedicated playlist, affirmations & crystal suggestions – email hello@livingintheflowoflife.co.uk to purchase