Alpha & Omega Chakra
Intuitively created grid

Triangle 🔼🔽
Heightens awareness, enhances intuition, improves creativity & raises our vibration.
For these Chakras:
Upwards pointing 🔼 is the Masculine Energy (Alpha)
Downward pointing 🔽 is the Feminine Energy (Omega)
Relating to both triangles - the stones in between the 2 triangles are
Boji Stones:
Smooth & round = Feminine
Angular & ridged = Masculine
Use Boji Stones to:
Balance the energies of the body.
Assist in healing the aura and balance the Chakras.
Uncover and release blocks.
Promote self healing
Understand the duality of our nature.
The stones in the middle of each triangle are Kyanite:
Blue is in the middle of the Alpha Masculine triangle
Black is in the middle of the Omega Feminine triangle
Kyanite is High Vibe!! 🙌
It does not hold negative energy, so it never needs cleansing! 🙌
It opens and clears the body’s communication centers.
Opens and balances all the Chakras & subtle bodies.
Helps to focus the mind & bring calm
Alpha Triangle
Grey fluorescent pebbles:
Honesty. Responsibility. Protective.
Encourages change and transformation with intuitive insight AND intellectual analysis.
Be open to your Spiritual Path.
Small Quartz Crystals
Herkimer Diamonds
High Vibe!!
Emanates the brightest crystal light - these ones glow under UV light 🙌
Like other quartz, they amplify the energies of other crystals.
Gain clarity & inspiration.
Uncover latent skills.
Integrate your Spiritual Path with your day-to-day life.
Omega Triangle
Purple & Black pebbles
Support. Transformative.
Relieves insomnia.
Reduces stress & anxiety
Golden cubes:
Uncovers secrets and memories.
Facilitates perspective.
Uplifting. Positive. Abundance. Success.
Tiny black & white stones:
Snowflake Obsidian:
Grounding & protection.
Balance for mind, body & spirit.
Brings self-defeating negative thought patterns to the surface & clears them.
Creates hope & inspires new ideas.