Free Videos
Experience a weekly class
If you haven't been to one of my classes and wanted to try one, look no further. This one is suitable for all abilities is only an hour long and helps you to let go of you day - bliss!
There's some breath work to help you relax, warming poses and a standing sequence of movements and a big relax.
Over all it'll give yourself some headspace to relax and let go and maybe dream of what you'd like to manifest into your life. Maybe it's more self care time! Give it a try and let me know how you get on - enjoy x
Breathwork 101
When I'm stressed, anxious, busy mind or overwhelmed, breathwork always brings me back into my body.
Enjoy this traditional pranayama practice - Anuloma Viloma - alternate nostril breathing.
It's truly transformative - and only 10minutes!
Let me know how you get on with it - Jo x
Gentle Flow
Grab just 20minutes of precious YOU time for this gentle flow. It's perfect for any time of the day to ease your body and soothe your mind.
Go get on your mat and enjoy, you won't regret it!
Suitable for all levels - enjoy x
Immune Boost Talk
Now more than ever it's so important to up our self care and boost our immune system.
This short 10 minute talk guides you through some beneficial supplements and foods to enjoy to boost your immune system and general overall health.
if you'd like to book a nutrition & Kinesiology consult to discuss your specific health needs, Click below to read more and book in.