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I discovered Kinesiology through my own curiosity about wellness for myself. The experience opened my mind to how fascinating the human body is and how there’s way more to how it works and how it heals, than we currently know.


In the 24 years I’ve been working 1:1 with my clients, I’ve found people tend to turn to alternative therapies when traditional medicine doesn’t work or can’t help - and this is where I was at with my health when I discovered Kinesiology. 


I hear so many times in clinic, “I’ve tried everything so thought I’d give Kinesiology go and hope it can help”.


Back in 2014, I had been suffering with skin, digestive and hormonal issues for over a year. Rounds of antibiotics weren’t helping clear my skin and had disrupted my digestion, neither was the birth control pill that I had been prescribed which in turn disrupted my hormones too.


I felt helpless and disempowered with my health and didn't know what to do next as I ate what I thought at the time to be a healthy vegan/vegetarian diet and yet, nothing changed. 


Out of desperation I invested in a Kinesiology consult where we discussed my lifestyle, diet & nutrition and used muscle testing to find out what dosage of was needed from a range of supplements to add into my diet to bridge the gaps I had, whilst I slowly changed what and how I ate alongside some lifestyle changes too.


I found it fascinating how my body responded to the muscle testing and knew exactly what and how much it needed to rebalance and heal. And even more interesting was how my mind responded to being listened to & heard in a way I’d never experienced before. All of this helped me make changes and feel truly empowered to get my vibrant health & radiant energy back on track.


I had finally I found something that treats the person as a whole, pinpointing the root cause of body imbalance rather than solely firefighting symptoms & disease alone. This for me and my health was a total game changer. And that’s why I wanted to bring this to other people through my work.

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"Systematic Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a type of body language which communicate problems and then solutions to the client and practitioner. Kinesiology is non-invasive, drug free and enormously empowering.’
Claire Muller, TASK Principal



"Jo was highly recommended to me when I was looking for a kinesiology expert in Henley. I was struggling with fluctuating energy levels and had some immune and digestive issues and needed someone to get me back on track. I can honestly say Jo has made a huge difference to my quality of life. She is brilliant at figuring out the nutritional issues but is also skilled at identifying other emotional/mental/work related issues that were impacting on my day to day life. She is an excellent kinesiologist and I would highly recommend fact I have already to several of my friends. Thanks for all your help Jo"

"I have been seeing Jo for 18 months. I initially went to see her to finally resolve years of disordered eating and poor sleep. She is so understanding and takes her time to listen and understand the issues before making a thorough assessment. I couldn’t recommend her highly enough. Thank you Jo."

"I started seeing Jo a couple of years ago as I felt my body was out of sync. Jo has taken her time to get to know my body and has helped rebalance my digestion and hormones. I used to suffer with bloating and gas, which I no longer do, and used to have hormonal acne around my period, which I no longer get. Jo has made me appreciate what a healthy body feels like, and although Kinesiology is an investment, it is worth every penny."

"Absolutely a 5 star experience …Jo has made a huge impact on my life through the variety of modalities she incorporates into her holistic practice. Her kinesiology work to help rebalance my hormonal system and gut has helped me thrive. Jo’s approach is deeply nourishing. I cannot recommend her highly enough if you are searching for an experienced and motivational partner in your way to renewed strength and vitality."

Bach flower Remedy Consult Testimonial:


"Absolutely amazing experience by the lovely Jo!!

I had a consultation with Jo and at the time I felt all over the place & pulled in a million directions. I wasn’t even sure what the root of any of it was.

We went through and discussed the real issue, that in itself was a huge weight already of my shoulders! We then went through and found the remedies for me by pairing coloured cards.

I put a few drops of these under my tongue and in my water. Since using them I have such great clarity and it’s removed all my inner conflicts of what decisions to make in life.

Highly recommend!
So grateful, thank you Jo

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