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Kin - easy - ology is a holistic form of natural health care, where the whole person is treated using muscle testing to read the energetic bio feedback system from the body to find where health issues stem from.


This is known as the root cause of symptoms, which are the body's way of giving us a nudge or sometimes shouting loud to get our attention that there is an imbalance & energy drain affecting our wellbeing.


Once found and fully addressed during the treatment, the imbalances are able to be cleared and work on preventing them from returning. Sometimes this will take a course of treatments. 


Kinesiology is beneficial for everyone and usually people feel the difference from the first session, 

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During a treatment you can expect a personalised, approach specific to your exact needs, there is no one size fits all treatment as every body is different with different needs.


Following an initial chat where we dive into your health history, current symptoms and goals we tailor the session to exactly match your needs. 


You will spend the majority of the treatment on the treatment table, fully clothed and under go muscle testing and various techniques to bring the body back into balance .


Allow up to 90minutes for your consult and the investment per consult is £90.


You will leave each consult with:


Bespoke diet, nutrition and lifestyle advice tailored exactly to your needs 


Supplementation advice and support whilst your body comes back into balance 


Empowerment, taking back  control of your health by having more understanding & knowledge of your body and how to move forward in a positive way to bring your body back into balance.. 

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So many elements of modern day living can send the body out of balance. 


Due to this, the main areas I work with are:


Digestive issues, IBS, constipation, diarrhea,  bloating, acid reflux, candida, parasites & more


Immune building & resilience and post viral recovery support 


Energy imbalances, chronic fatigue, burnout & 


Food testing for allergies, intolerances & sensitivities


Hormonal imbalance - irregular periods, peri/menopause, thyroid issues


Nutrition & Lifestyle support 


Stress & emotional issues


Structural, postural & muscular issues


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During a consult manual muscle testing is used, with client fully clothed, to evaluate whether a muscle is in balance.


This involves applying gentle pressure to the muscle whilst the client resists the pressure, not to determine if someone is strong or weak, purely whether the muscle switches on or not.


If the muscle doesn’t switch on there’s an imbalance and various techniques can then be used to restore balance & function:


Neuro-vascular & neuro-lymphatic points – points in the body that relate to the lymphatic and vascular system, massaged to clear and boost circulation, lymphatic drainage & improve muscle function.


Emotional Stress Release techniques (ESR) – emotions and stresses have a huge impact on muscle function and in turn our overall health and often found to contribute to the root cause of imbalances in the body.

Tapping, Visualisation and affirmations are used to restore balance and relieve stress and held


Nutrition support – dietary & lifestyle changes often need to be made with supplementation to support the body healing and rebalancing itself.


Meridian clearing – Meridians are energy pathways through the body according to Chinese medicine when these become blocked or energy stagnant, imbalances can form within the body. Meridians are rebalanced through light touch.


Acupressure point massage & holding – these are specific points along the Meridians to stimulate energy flow that are held or gentle pressure applied whilst the body responds and adjusts itself.


Each muscle relates to a Meridian and in turn to an organ so specific imbalances can be identified and rebalanced bringing overall.

"Systematic Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a type of body language which communicate problems and then solutions to the client and practitioner. Kinesiology is non-invasive, drug free and enormously empowering.’
Claire Muller, TASK Principal


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