Root Chakra

A grid to help ground us - Because during current ever-changing & unsettling times, we’re all in danger of becoming untethered……………Floating around like flotsam & jetsam 🥺
It’s a dark grid - bringing us solidly back to earth. Grounding down in to our Root/Base Chakra, and then wrapping us in a blanket of protection - encouraging feelings of safety. 🙏🏻
Generally all black & red crystals align with our Root Chakra.
Black is not a scary colour in the crystal world - it’s our most trusted protective ally. Helping us to be & feel safe.
(I don’t ever leave the house without a black crystal of some kind!)
Red is energising & calls up our power. Red to me signifies our most primal power & strength - our power within to fight & protect ourselves and what is precious to us.
Our Root Chakra is our survival centre.
Centre Stone:
Incredibly grounding, connects us to earth energy and creates a protective shield because it is intimately in tune with elemental energies.
It enables us to face & process our shadow selves without fear or judgement - good for past life healing.
It deepens meditation.
It’s said to help with inflammation in the body.
Black points
A high vibe crystal that has to be mined by hand in the Himalayas.
Grounding and protective.
A cleansing crystal that removes stagnant energies.
Clears and expands the aura.
“witches brooms”
Protective, grounding and energising.
Inspires loyalty and fair treatment of others. Balances & aligns all of the chakras.
Never needs cleansing.
Small dark red stones
Helps us feel grounded & connected to the present moment.
Worn since medieval times as a protective amulet against negative energies.
Purifies the energy in the our bodies.
Use if we want to achieve or regain balance, if we want to feel safe & protected, and if we want to harness our inner strength.
Silver Pebbles:
Promotes courage, strength, endurance and vitality.
Stimulates concentration and focus - helping to enhance memory.
Encourages originality - it boosts our self-esteem and survivability.
Calms a troubled mind and puts our spirit at ease so we can release feelings of stress, tension, worry & nervousness.