Hey Yogalini's how's your weekend? What have you done to show you that you love you? For me it's been a long walk in the woods soaking up the stillness, birdsong, incredible foxgloves and a little more rain than maybe the dogs wanted tehehe! It truly lifts me to be out in nature. I'm typing this whilst sipping a decaf coffee on the sofa, covered in dogs then I'm going to read one of my favourite yoga books - The Wheels of Life by Anodeah Judith so beautifully written and full of Chakra wisdom.

Netflix rocks and gives you so much bang for your buck in my humble opinion! If you don't have it maybe try their free trial? I love movies and documentaries which I feel Netflix excels at as well as my beloved Queer Eye. Last night I watched the incredible documentary about Dolly Parton's life "Here I am" which is not only inspiring but truly shows what a trail blazer she has been for equality throughout her life and I now have even more love and respect for her than ever. Dolly is very in tune with the theme of this weeks classes of Solar Plexus Chakra.
Next up for me is "Hello, Privilege. It's me, Chelsea." I know it's going to open my eyes and mind wider, make me uncomfortable yet more informed than ever. Please always share your recommends with me - have you seen 13th yet?
I have chosen to teach a series of classes covering the Chakras to help us see beyond the day to day living and maybe tune in a little deeper to our subtle energy and find new ways of understanding our feelings and emotions that in turn guide us through each ever changing day. Each week we will explore a different Chakra so you can drop in and out or come for the term, as always all are welcome whenever you can make it.
If you're interested in learning more about the wonderful wheels of life that are chakras why not try a class with me every Monday 7-8:15pm or Thursday 6:45-8:00pm drop in for £10 or by donation - booking is essential.
This week we are creeping up the lower chakras to Solar Plexus - Manipura Chakra otherwise known as our lustrous gem. Think energising, think sunshine, the colour is bright yellow (hmm interesting that I own only one item of yellow clothing...), eat yellow foods, qualities to embrace are grace, strength, power and a balanced strong sense of self. Oufff it's gonna be a corker! Maybe grab a crystal to harness the subtle energy of this chakra with Citrine, Tigers Eye, Pyrite or Yellow Jasper.